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What is Dental Monitoring?

Dental Monitoring is an innovative orthodontic technology that uses the power of artificial intelligence and an app on your smartphone to keep you connected to your orthodontist whenever and from wherever you need. Angus uses the tool to keep track of how your teeth are moving between appointments so we can keep your treatment progressing in the right direction. To find out more, please click here.

Why does Angus use Dental Monitoring?

Angus cares about his patients and wants them to have the best possible treatment. How we achieve this is not only with physical appointments in the clinic but also by remotely monitoring your treatment wherever you are in the world.

What are the benefits of Dental Monitoring?

There are numerous reasons why Dental Monitoring can make your Orthodontic Treatment a better experience.

  • Monitoring of your treatment progress in between your appointments at the clinic.
  • More flexible appointment scheduling making your life more convenient.
  • Ability of contact your Orthodontist in between appointments if you have questions.
  • More efficient treatment

FInd out more about Dental Monitoring

How do I scan my teeth with my phone in the Scanbox Pro for Aligners??

How do I scan my teeth with my phone in the Scanbox Pro for Fixed Braces?

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